
COPY My $1,000/Day Affiliate Marketing Method For FREE


Hey there I am Sarah (aka Ted). My goal is to help new entrepreneurs grow & scale a business that is right for THEM!

Yes: the right business for THEM. Because there is no “best business” – there are just different businesses. Here on this channel, my mission is to help everyone choose a business to pursue that is right for them. And so a business that I enjoy running, may not be one that you would enjoy.

Because here is the truth when it comes to building a business: it isn’t a way to get rich fast. Nope. A business is simply when you learn to do these 3 things really well:

1) Creating or finding great products/services to sell.
2) Putting those products in front of the right customers.
3) Giving those customers a great reason to buy.

And each person will have their own journey to get there with a LOT of hard work & sacrifices along the way 💪👊 which is why I believe that choosing the right business that you are passionate about is crucial! Here are some ways that I help new entrepreneurs do that:

* I show case studies of my businesses that I own & I enjoy running (such as Print On Demand ecommerce businesses), sharing my tips & strategies I’ve learned along the way.
* I show case studies of other businesses that other entrepreneurs enjoy (even if I personally wouldn’t want to do them myself!).
* I make videos answering some of the “legal” questions people have when creating a new business (such as questions about copyrights & trademarks).
* Plus there is a sprinkle of entrepreneurial motivation thrown in too!

I hope my actionable content can help you: whether you’re running your own online business, or are in the process of building one, and want some tactical advice to help you along the way.

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